Nov 12, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part16-2

16-2 To paint the pen (continue)
well, not much update today because I was back from work at night today. Then I had better update some of little progress.

look close up onto eyes. There are gaps that is not suitable and need to blind it.

 because of the plug will not be paint. So I use the epoxy steel type to plug these gaps for the realistic effect.

 If you press this much, it will goes down to leak to eyes. Then you need to rework.

 There are no gaps at all now.

Do the same process, paint flat black to protect LED ligth emit all around.

Connect the wires to super bright LED.

 assemble them tightly by using Mr.Cement (glue for plastic model).
Then apply it onto both sides

 to remove parting line, we need to cover with epoxy.
I mixed by the same color as base to protect the discoloration after painting.

to cover it along parting line

 Once we assemble chin onto it, cover epoxy in between too.

I always check for gaps, to protect spray of paint gets inside to interrupt light module.

 leave epoxy dry completely about 1 day before filing/ sanding

 Then we move to work on the moon part. we must think about process of painting. The moon needs to finish everything before painting. Then if we use air brush the spray will not get in the area inside the button. To be nicer, you may need to paint them before spraying color.

 fist with white surfacer (make it thin)

 also apply the same way to the hole of button.

 the hole of pen is also difficult to reach by spray. then apply it too.

paint it as thin

 I selected acrylic titanium buff deep (the base color of the moon)
paint the whole piece.

 mix a bit of gray to apply as 2nd layer

make it the same process

Once it gets dry, cover it by a mixture of clear & flat base.
To mix flat base is for matt look. 

do it the same

The area of arrow point is the area that both part may touch each other. So Now we do not have to worry about hard to reach area at all.

Next part (part16-3) is still painting.
thanks for watching
bye for now. :)

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