Aug 22, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part2

2. Clone Optimus prime head, modify ribs inside head.

prepare master Optimus Prime head (Leader class), remove screw,
then we will have 3 parts in all.

plug plasticine into back side of eyes to protect silicone flow in from eye holes.

check if pasticine come out full eye holes. If not, place it back.

this hole we will not use it, then we should plug it for good appearance.

now we are readly to make silicone mold of this side head. just lay plasticine onto parting line (ensure there is no unercuting)

now get ready for silicone poring.

cut plasticine offseting work piece around 7-8 mm.

make sure during cut, it's not move even only little.
otherwise the mold will has error on dimension.

use silicone type high flow (from Germany recommended)
due to we need whole details of model surface.

pore silicon 1 by 1 layer wait each layer completely dry before poring next layer.

finished 1 side.

This is eyes part ( maybe not use this part, but just make it first)

follow the same steps.

Finally we are now having all 3 sets of silicone mold ready to clone Optimus head.

Pore plastic resin (that mix color already)

now we've got the complete part of the Clone. check every detail if it's complete. if not check whether it's from resin process or mold process. if mold process... I'll cry ToT

Then try to paint roughly... I guess it looks not so bad.

on the head got hole, i drilled for laser pointer shoot out.

Ok now to compare what we have now.

torch function will be like this.

I guess you will enjoy this more or less. thanks for watching.
bye for now. ^^

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