Aug 26, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part4-2

4-2 Make the moon base model (continue)

I'd like to decorate more on the top hole to make it more natural.

Higher and thicker

then test to insert pen again to ensure the hole's still correct on size.

then I prefer the moon texture on name plate. Next step to make the fonts.

it should be Transformers fonts. print it as proper size and cut them out each.

do not confuse E and m ah!

Lay each font onto pasticine thickness 3mm. the hard type of plasticine is recommended.

cut as profile well.

do the same to the remaining fonts.

Lay on the platicine fonts onto plasticine plate.
trick: I print it to be guide on position.

This is dificult part, if you put it wrong position.
You must remake it and lay on the right position

 Now it looks ok for me.

Add some texture.

Put some fine sand for accurate texture.

I'm finished the Moon model. Then be ready for making silicone mold.
hope you will enjoy it.
bye for now. ^^

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