Aug 24, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part3

3. Clone Space man, add dowel to lock into the moon base.

we don't need space man base. Once remove base out, we need to make the dowel on his foot to fit into moon base. So I need to make the silicone mold for this purpose.

cut the stand base out.

then do the same as silicone making.

lay on plasticine close to parting line, check if undercut remain.

it looks ok now.

prepare for silicone steps.

2 layers are enough.

check if every details are complete.

before next step, I found that there is sink mark on his leg. Complete it with pasticine.

make dowel on his foot. it's around 7 mm.

attach dowel by super glue.

to ensure that silicone will be set fully under dowel, I will cut the silicone dimple out.

this step can't mis.. otherwise you will cry...

use air gun to blow silicone set under dowel completely.

check everythings are ok. ready to make plastic resin process.

ahh... I made mistake. He got sink mark due to not enough resin since poring.
But now you can see he got strong dowel to fit into moon base now.

try again, he looks fine.

 we can make in any light color, then repaint with white color at last.
all right my friends, now we have space man be ready to decorate our moon base.
bye for now! ^^

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