prepare a ball foam diameter around 80mm. Split it into 2 parts same size.
prepare the 6cc syringe. Use it to make the hole. Cut at around 3 cc.
45 degree is recommended.
make the profile same as pen by plasticine.
prepare circle for hole.
this hole should be a little smaller than syringe to fix them well.
insert syringe, remain distance from bottom 10mm. (I'll tell later why 10mm.)
now be ready to decorate stones on moon.
make the desired shape of stones.
put space man on to reserve his area (not to put stones)
make sure desired stones are fix to foam well.
make texture
complete texture
test pen to stand on.
Now get ready to make more texture like sand of the moon.
get the minimum 2 sizes of particle material e.g. fine sand
test this process to the half left of foam. cover 1 layer of plaster wait it almost dry, then quickly lay our big sand, and fine sand on top. once plaster is dry. put one more thin layer of plaster to cover big sand. If this process is ok, then apply to our moon.
but it looks Yammyyyyy ^^
but it looks Yammyyyyy ^^
Now we're attaching the word "TF THE moon" by printing the TF font
(get it from internet)
(get it from internet)
So you are now finguring out that what our moon would be.
I hope you will enjoy this decoration.
bye for now.^^
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