Dec 4, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part16-10

16-10 To paint the pen

The upper and lower part of pen will be painted fire frame. So we need to remove the top layer of existing color before repaint with the correct color.

                                              sand it with sand paper girt size #600-800

                                 Chromium will not be painted now, so wrap it.

                                          prepare warm surface for better primer quality.

                                          find the correct color by these 3 yellow codes.

                           Due to this material is steel, so primer for steel is recommended.

                                        Now start to spray the yellow we've mixed up.

                                    To make yellow attaches primer tightly.

     Next is the red shading

                                                        finished 1st round.

 Next is to make the profile of fire frame. There are 2 ways for it, decal and paint. I prefer paint. So it needs some more steps on below.

I think the tape you will apply to it is the key of appearance quality. I recommend you to try many types of tapes then you will find the one you like the most. Some is good for someone, but not always good for you. For me I've tested more than 10 types of tapes. Then I've found that no one is always good. It will be good for some conditions ( heat, thickness of colors, detail of profile etc.)

Well, you may have some idea for making fire frame that is not difficult right?
Next part (part16-11) will see the lower part of pen.
Thanks for watching

bye for now. ^^

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