Dec 24, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part17-4

17-4 Painting the satellite receiver & spaceman
Hi guys! long time without update due to I got less time for this custom. Previously, I'd like to finish it by this part, but all the way through proceses there are many photos that I wouldn't like to skip. And one part shouldn't contain more than 40 photos (loading time). Then I may as well split it into 2 parts. So the completed part will be 17-5, and 17-6 would be video clip. Let see what I've done on this part.
 the pillar that made from steel wire, so it's better to use metal primer only this point.

so the others use plastic primer. 

I recommend not to use pure white, because we will keep pure white for making highlight.

Use black as base color for any silver is needed. This black will drive silver more shiny. 

As you can see I do not use only super silver (159) due to it looks more like a toy. 
To mix it with Chrome silver is better. 

shading process 

flat black is needed for matt looks 

I have a feeling like in the movie is too clean, but the middle looks too dirty.
I prefer some dirty and shading. 

Do you like it? no no, not finish yet. he needs some more decoration. Don't miss next part!
Next part (part17-5) would be more on painting & the U.S.A. flag
hope you enjoy this.
thanks for watching
Bye for now. :)

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