Sep 25, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part11-1

11-1 Clone the sattelite receiver & button switch

Due to all components have not much different on thickness, so to make them together into one mold is no problem. it's called "family mold"

to embed them carefully especially parting line at half part
try to keep them as horizontal.
 If there is some gaps, silicone will go in, then big problem. check this carefully.

 dig around red wire for silicone to be set as this profile.

 That point got undercut, if we pore silicone. it won't be pull out. 
So I plugged it with plasticine.
I've just recognize that I've forgot the button switch ^^. Then add it in too.

Wrap it with rectangular PP-board to be ready for poring silicone.

 This takes time for making silicone cover parts as per profile. 
Do not pore silicone fulfill them completely flat 
because you will not be able to take part out. 

it should be something like this. Thinner silicone, better mold.

 After plaster on top is completely dry. unwrap PP-board, trim the exceed silicone. 
It's complete for 1 side of mold.

 remove plasticine from silicone, clean it up.

 This step can't forget, to cover them by vaseline.

use soft type of silicone to make the left side of mold.

use air gun to blow seriously onto hard to reach points, area for silicone set completely.

direction of air gun. This side we can pore silicone as flat without problem.

 After poring plasticine 10 mm.

Check all details, trim all exceed silicone. Then complete mold be ready for resin process.

The resin process will be on next part.

thanks for watching.

Bye for now.... ^o^

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