Sep 2, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part6-1

6-1 Make plastic resin of the moon base

cover vaseline the whole upper mold.

espectially inside all letters.

prepare hard type of resin.

mix resin with the desired color (to be easy to see the level of resin inside mold)
color must be the color for resin especially.

This point is important, inside this hole need to be set quickly than another side.

the left side just mix it as normal.

mix it more till 2 cm to reach edge (this is just to try the amount of resin)
we will determine more accurate later.

Once we mix the upper part set quickly then it will not be dropped
before assembling the molds.

Close mold completely (ensure marks are aligned) then find something to pull on top to press it untill resin is set (normally 6-8 hrs.)

8 hrs later, opened the mold. there is not enough resin. But no problem just mix more resin and pore in. (do not take this part out)

firstly try to put resin into all gaps of letters.

Then pore more resin, close the upper mold back in. Press it till resin is set (~6 more hrs.)

Opened upper mold, clean exceed resin.

Take work piece out of mold, do it carefully due to silicone may be damage.

Now I'd like to know the exact amount of resin by this way.
Prepare full water in this container

the water is flowed over the edge will drop down to big container.

Pore this water to container we will use.

2 small containers are from big container. So next time, pore resin to reach this mark.
it will be exact amount of resin.
leave it into sodium hydroxide for 2 hrs.
This was a bit difficult part, if letter or some details are not complete, consider if remake needed or rework by fix them up. I'll show how in next part OK?
Now I'm so tired, hope you still enjoy with this resin...
bye for now! ^)^

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