Sep 14, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part8-1

8-1 Set switch positions for space man and the pen to activate sounds.

Select the on-off switch

Measure actuator diameter.

Refer to part4-1 (photo# 7) I recommend distance 10mm from bottom to the end of syringe. This is for the use of switch at terminal. Cut it as photo, distance will 
remains around 13mm. that is very good.

after the cut

fine grinding to inside hole follow that direction
(to ensure that the end of pen will reach this hole by insertion pen and see how)
Deburr from this direction too.

Then adjust the hole size to be bigger than 3.58 (but not too much)

Measure hole size, now it's bigger than 3.58 mm. that is all right.

Check if it's fit.

This is the switch for Optimus Prime's sound. Press and hold switch (left),
then press pen from the right to press switch. Check the feeling if actuator works
(feeling of click click). If no problem, go to next step.

Set the desired space man's position and mark position of dowel.

Use drill bit the same size as dowel. Drill it through.

Place steel dowel (of space man) into hole and make sure he can be rotated. Use the stainless wire (diameter 1.2mm) place in his hand and point on the moon, mark it for drill. To ensure that drilling must be the same angle with the stainless wire.

Drill through with diameter 1.2-1.5 mm.

Space man doesn't rotate well. So I grinded surface a bit.

Check if space man stand on the right position and rotate well.

Check if stainless wire move up-down convenient. If no problem this wire will be the
USA flag to activate sound of space man. 

Now we have the flag to activate sound, will see how to activate switch in next part.

Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for watching
Bye for now! :)

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