Oct 7, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part13-1

13-1 To make the bottom cover

Now let's make the bottom cover. Normally plastic resin will be hard enough for this application, the thickness should not less than 2.0 mm. So I decide to make it as 2.5-3.0 mm.

Check 2 points, this photo for alignment and the slider must be over edge ~ 0.5mm.

try to keep this value as minimum (too much is not convenient to use)

we have to open gate for the slider to slide out.

It would be good if you keep all curves. Draw it onto normal A4 paper.

Now we have the profile of bottom cover.

Next, to project the profile of battery socket onto it.

This must be careful on position error. if you ensure that you have the right position, project the 2 lines to the paper. If you're not sure, you can use tape to attach socket to paper is much easier

from the 2 lines, draw the socket profile as well.

Now you may be clear on what I mentioned as previous part about the difficult way is 
like this. The easy way, not to have socket profile.

Cut it out. Then consider the possible thickness of the cover.

It's 2.5 mm that is suit for hardness of resin.

need to make plasticine as 2.5 mm thick

you may have question like how to know the middle area thickness (because normally center area will always be thicker than other area.) So to find the center thickness, just check the dept of toothpick.

Reduce plasticine, and check center thickness again until it reach 2.5 mm.

Once it's 2.5 mm. Attach this paper onto plasticine as above.

Do not cut as one time, due to I'll not cut it vertical alignment.

Check again, it's 2.5mm.

look at this photo, I prefer the taper cover. So angle cut is needed.

This side also need taper.

Then cut more as offset 5 mm.

If you don't offset 5 mm, you will not be able to make taper shape.

Consider this which must not have taper. So there is no angle at all.

All right, How's bottom cover for this part? Not too difficult right?
Hope you enjoy it more or less.
See you on next part...13-2 

Thanks for watching

Bye for now... ^o^

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