Previously, we were going to attach 2 parts of Optimus's chin together. This part (14-2) is about decoration that needs time for putty get dry. So this process spend my time so much. ToT and of course you have to be patient.
Ready?... go!
before attaching, I'd like to make that step 'coz there is step on head side.
I used putty instead of glue because it can be adjusted, and easy to deburrs.
Make sure you lay it on the middle.
Due to it's not flat, I used curve file.
bottom side
Top side
Once finished, down it on Optimus head to check error.
For this step, if any point got wrong on dimension. Use putty to correct it.
As you can see I care the curve as much because it is visible on pen
that I don't want any defects here.
Previously, I remove last texture. Now it's time to create new texture.
I drafted this pattern.
lay putty onto it. it needs 2-3 time till get the sharp edges. So this step needs times.
do it both sides (I made the lines across to another side to ensure
they got the same demension.
only it dry completely, you can cut, file etc.
edges should not be sharp, they will easy to crack.
Complete decorateion - front side
Complete decorateion - back side
All right... now we're done Optimus Prime's chin with decoration completely.
The most challenge and difficult is to attach this piece in between Optimus's head
and pen precisely.
So Next part (part14-3) would be how to attach the 3 pcs together with precision.
Don't miss it ahh!
Hope you all enjoy..
Thanks for watching
Bye Bye... ^o^
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