Oct 30, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part15-2

15-2 Assemble Optimus Prime head, chin, light module (continue)
Hi! it's been a few days no update, due to this part was a bit complicated to me. To make it precision needs some times.
Previously we did insert electronics module into pen, now we will insert pointer & LED light onto Optimus prime head and connect wires together. This is quite challange. Let's see.

the 2 pcs on the right will be fixed into Optimus's head.  

to consider this head, if we put LED light inside (eye position) The light will emit on whole face. To control the ligth only emit around the eyes,
I use black color to cover the head inside. 

 Flat black is suitable, paint both side of head.

 finished painting both sides.

 Due to LED light size 3 mm is not able to fix well by the curve of eye not support to. Then I grinded by using 3 mm of ball diamond point.

prepare the hole for laser pointer shoot out (2.5 mm) 

at back side, prepare the support (6mm).

 then you may have question like how to know align pointer module to the center
of the hole we've just prepare? I got the answer on below.

 use toothpick size 2.5 mm, insert through this hole (forehead) to reach pointer module. Then pull toothpick and module back together close to forehead until pointer touch forehead inside. I'm sure we got the align position at the moment.

  If everything is all right, put some silicone sealant around toothpick and do
the above method again.

 look on top view, adjust toothpice and module together till toothpick got 90 degree
as photo.

side view also need alignment. And I decided some angle go up a bit. 

 If it's correct, fix pointer with silicone again on top. insert super LED ligth fit to
position we prepared.

Once LED ligth are on the right angle, fix them by silicone too.

wait till silicone is completely dry. Bend each leg to connect +, -

connect wires together.
 then we will have 2 more wires now. 

 seal them all as photo.

look at front, we can see pointer on forehead, super LED light on his eyes.

insert a group of wires pass through the hole of back piece. 

 now finished the head module.

assemble chin to pen, wires pass through the hole of chin. Pivot is press fit into the Pen hole. 

 4 wires each part will be connected.

 Keep all wires inside head (back piece)

 back side view
 to check if our module work by inserting battery.

This is what the pen looks. 

 press the lower button to turn on LED light

 with the 2 super bright LED given high emit with low battery consumption. The light profile look like profile of number 8

 Press the upper buton to turn on laser pointer.

The maximum distance is around 200 meters
(from one building to another building etc.)

Ok for this part today.
From now on will be all about painting process (waiting to see right?)
So next part (part16-1) will be painting Optimus prime head and pen...
what should I paint the pen??? Tik Tik Tik, well let see...soon

Hope you all enjoy this part as long time waiting for.
sorry if I can't expedite it as I wished.

Thanks for watching
Bye for now... ^^

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