Oct 26, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part15-1

15-1 Assemble Optimus Prime head, chin, light module
Hi guys! I've spent a long time for update this part because it's the last difficult part to me. Due to this pen is designed by modification less. That is to say all components are fixed and press tightly by m/c. To disassemble component without damaging parts (part 1) is quite hard, but to assemble it back after parts are modified is even more difficult. To adjust length of each part needs much precise e.g. all adjustable lenght are related to battery set that will not work if total length are not correct. what's more I can't find any tools to work inside this pen Gosh! ...no more complaint ^^... let's see,

 previously, we got this chin by resin process. now press it tightly into big hole of pen
(do not forget, small hole is for a group of wires)

 remember keep the clip of pen on left side.
Now press the Optimus Prime head into pivot.

to compare before and after adding chin. what do you think? before is better? ha ha
I accept if it is, but the chin is not only for appearance, but also for stronger
to hold the head on pen. 

To see the oblique view 

side view 

back view 

 compare to a poster.. do you like it then?

it would look like this. I will keep the blue on top part and red on bottom, but not this tone color due to they are not correct Optimus Prime color. I'll need to repaint with
the corrct colors. 

 Now turn back to circuit. the left side will be set inside head, the right side will be set inside the pen. The issue is the right side that was modified,
then to resume it back is not easy.

 prepare this module by twist wires.

Once we loose the located part (LED & laser pointer) from circuit. We need to find something to locate and to hold this module as well as the same function. I select the black part (which is the supporter of button battery) from another pen 
to hold left side of module. Silicone sealant is good for this purpose.

 Once we loose a part of circuit, we need to compensate the wire(+)
to connect to gorund(+)

 do the same as left side.

 an important is the allignment must be straight. Due to the gap is almost zero mm between pen hole and this module.

 start with the 2 button, insert them by this way.

 place them to their position. then flip the pen down, take stick out.

Now consider how deep that this module will be inserted, as measured = 6.5 mm 

look at the circled mark, this part will be hit to button and no move anymore. 
We need to solve it. 

I remove some exceeding part (5 mm is enough) 

Once insert module in, check the distance that must be 6.5 mm. If it's over,
you need to rework. 

 6.5 mm. looks like this.

During insert module, you also need to arrange a group of wires to go through 
the small hole.

Now I think 50% of the difficult is passed, and will ensure once the light is workable.

So next part (part15-2) will continue from this wire to the Optimus head.
And test function

... excited ahhh???

Hope you all enjoy...
thanks for watching

Bye Bye... :)

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