Oct 24, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part14-4

14-4 To make model of Optimus Prime's chin (continue)
Since we had prototype of Optimus's chin. We'll make it to resin same as other part. So there is no special technique.

 Just consider parting line, actually there is an undercut at front part, but it's very thin undercuting. So I decide no need to make parting line follow the profile.

 make the PP-wall, add dimple lock between silicone mold.

 use hard type silicone

got 1st side of mold.  

                                                     cover vaselene (do not forget at all)

                                            pore silicone to make another side of mold.

                make dimple lock as we've done before. just remember only it becomes jelly.

                                                take it out once it's dry.

                                            pore plaster, wait till dry. Unwrap PP-board.

 Now we've got Chin's mold already.

 To prepare pivot for resin process. keep length = 9 mm.

                        Pivot needs to make an undercut to hold resin by grooving in middle.

                                              mix color the same as Optimus prime head

Complete resin part.

Next part (part15) will be about assembly this part to pen and Optimus's head.

thanks for watching
Bye for now... :)

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