Oct 22, 2012

Optimus Prime Pen on the moon base... Part14-3

14-3 To make model of Optimus Prime's chin (continue)
Hi my friends, how's your weekend? It's time to update.
Previously, we got the prototype of the Optimus Prime's chin. Now the challenge is how to attach this chin in between Optimus's head and pen strong enough for using. well ready... go!

Ok from now on, I'll not use the left head anymore due to it's not nice painting.
I will use new one (on right) to work with till painting process.

I need to keep the pen clip on left side in order for the light buttons stay at front (convenient to operate buttons) An issue is by this,
the 2 holes will not align as center at all. So I need to find out the right position
for pivot (to fix head & pen together) by above drawing.

This is the position of the pen that we want to.

Once we got the right position x,y --> drill it through by 3 mm dirll bit.
Then do the same way to the small hole. (sorry I forgot to take photos ^^)

to see the matching of his chin (what do you think?)

Ok, once we do not find any defect all around, move on next step.

this step is to project the 2 hole position to the chin.

Drill it as size 2mm, 3mm accordingly.

Now we got the 2 holes completely and ready to assemble to his chin.

complete chin with 2 holes.

Ok, this is a bit exited...

Hip Hip Hooray! they looks completely matched.

to hold the 2 part with the chin, I select the wood stick instead of only plastic resin.
Due to wood stick given more strength & tough then resin.
find the stick size 3mm, cut it as 9 mm.

press it sit in middle.

The next excited is to assemble this to pen. See now we have symmetry holes.

The left hole is prepared for wires (from lights module)

by this view, it is perfect for me.

by front view is also right position.

by back view is also perfect position.

It seems many steps to have this, but I'm sure you will be happy that it must be.
this part is just to add pivot. now we're done.

Then next part (part14-4) is to clone it
(as you get used to see from all previous parts)

Hope you all enjoy with an idea that I work on it.
again, thanks for watching. see you on next part soon...
Bye for now... :)

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